lavenders of provence

Provence is the home of lavender and each year we are blessed to visit beautiful aromatic fields cloaked in purple to experience the magnificence of Lavande en Provence.

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photos in fields of lavender beautiful lavender bush in flower

lavender harvesting in provence The glorious feeling of lavender as far as the eye can see lavender smile

flowering lavender stalks lavandula angustifolia vera P.Miller

lavender flowering head lavender field and provencale well bee on lavender flowers

ancient abbey and lavander field from out heart of provence tour stunning fields of population lavender

ancient monuments in the lavender fields purple rows of aromatic population lavender perhed village and clonal lavender during our essential provence tour

grand chateau and lavender vista one of many beautiful sights as we tour provence debbie en lavande

photo from the world's largest true French lavender farm

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